Thursday 28 June 2012

What do you thing about the current system of education?

Hey folks,

After a long time without publishing in English, I would like to bring about a polemic subject: The current system of education. For that reason, and to support my arguments I am also publishing here an enlightening video entitled: " Changing Education Paradigms" from Sir Ken Robinson. He is a influential speaker and author on creativity, innovation and education. Hope you like it and leave your comments bellow. What do you think? lets make this debate go around.

I have been thinking about this subject for a long time, since I was in secondary school to be precise. Now, when I am about to graduate in university and receive my diploma, becoming finally ready for the professional world, a bunch of questions keep bugging me. Is education a valid thing? Is it a guarantee that you will have a job? Or it is just chatter? These are some the doubts I have about the current system of education.

I would like to start off this debate by stating that throughout all these years I have been educated in school and consequently university, I have never doubted the power of a diploma as I do now. Perhaps my concern is just a small fag from all these years seating on a school bench, or just a concern rose from exalted conversations with friends. But, the matter of the fact is: I am not sure if I am correctly prepared for my upcoming professional career. Of course I am not rejecting that without a diploma of higher education you will never climb that far in the career ladder, I am just bashing at another angle.

What I am questioning here is not the value of having graduated from university and leave the school bench for a while. Instead, I am suggesting a drastic reform in the education pattern. I then agree with Sir Ken Robinson in this video, the problem relies on how we have been taught. The method of education needs to be changed, the structure of teaching and educating needs to be fine tuned in order to form a creative professional, capable of anything, no matter in which environment that professional is being put into.

One simple example given in the video is the way that students are organized. The proposed system divide people by ages, what does not necessarily mean that an individual who has 8 or 9 years old have to behave like one in his age. That is why we have gifted children as we also have children with a mental deficit. In this way, age does not signify a line of thought and education compatible with a certain year in school. The individual is much more important in this case. It is imperative to emphasize here the talents that can be developed, no matter what year someone has achieved in school. 

Another element worth noticing here is the words DON’T or CAN’T said by a teacher. Who said that someone cannot perform a certain action? Who established that convention? This constant enforcement is certainly something that can definitely shrink any person’s mind and/or creativity. Additionally, when that individual comes to the end of its secondary school he begins to question if all that was valid; if his basic education was enough to move him to next level.

In conclusion, I need to make clear that I do not regret going to university or been to school in my early ages of life. What I want to bring to the surface is the constant method employed by educators all over the world to educate millions of children. It is a claim for all governments to care more about the future, to care more about what kind of professionals’ society is forming? It is not about being polite or becoming academics, but it is about creativity and personal care. Educators need to let that creativity that many times was just fenced inside a gifted child flourish increasingly more. Governments also must let those educators do that way. This is for sure a subject that is not ending here, many more posts are needed, much more people are necessary to gather to support that change. Therefore, if each of us do not understand that and change it, the future will not be as bright as it could be.

That's it for today people. Hope you have liked it and leave your thoughts for us bellow. Thanks for your support in advance and stay tuned for more on this subject. See you later!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Iniciativas diarias para preservar o meio ambiente

Ola pessoal,

Depois de muito tempo sem postar nada em portugues, resolvi faze-lo hoje. E para isso escolhi um tema atual e que muito preocupa quando se pensa em futuro. O que sera do futuro de minha geracao, os meus filhos ou seus filhos ou netos que sofrerao os efeitos do aquecimento global e efeito estufa. Em epoca de Rio +20, quando muito tem se falado sobre sustentabilidade e meio ambiente acho justo publicar aqui uma lista que produzi, baseado em leituras e bom senso, que consiste em 20 iniciativas que podemos realizar diariamente (e que ja realizo o maximo possivel diariamente) para ajudar na preservacao do nosso planeta. Sao elas:

1.    Comprar produtos de madeira certificada
2.    Escovar os dentes e urinar durante o banho
3.    Manter uma alimentação baseada em frutas e legumes sem agrotóxicos
4.    Plantar uma arvore
5.    Usar mais a bicicleta
6.    Priorizar o uso de transporte publico
7.    Separar o lixo em casa
8.    Comprar objetos que vão demorar para virar lixo
9.    Comprar produtos em embalagem reciclável e fácil de descartar
10. Substituir descartáveis por laváveis
11. Andar mais a pé
12. Diminuir o consumo de açúcar refinado
13. Não usar mais sacolas plásticas
14. Passar a diante objetos que não são mais uteis a você
15. Dispensar o papel de seda nos embrulhos de presentes
16. Não jogar lixo na rua, guarde com você ate encontrar um local adequado para dispensa-lo. E se ver alguém fazendo educa-lo a fazer o correto.
17.  Controlar o desperdício de agua
18.  Busque informações sobre meio ambiente e sustentabilidade
19.  Não deprede o meio ambiente, evitando pisar na grama ou arrancar arvores e flores
20.  Mantenha maior contato com a natureza, realizando trilhas pela mata ou qualquer outra atividade do gênero

Com estas pequenas ações quotidianas acredito que poderemos cooperar para um futuro melhor e mais sustentavel para nossas geracoes futuras. E espero que de fato nossas autoridades possam cada vez mais investir em iniciativas ambientais duraveis, da qual poderemos coletar os frutos num futuro breve. Quero lembrar tambem que ha alguns meses atras fiz 2 postagens aqui, em ingles, sobre o tema meio ambiente e cidadania, as quais recomendo a re-leitura. Os titulos sao:
The Environment Needs You
Sustainability: a Thought for the Future

Espero que tenham curtido e que realmente pratiquem o que esta escrito aqui. Por hoje e so e ate a proxima.

Friday 8 June 2012

Top 10 most viewed posts

Hey folks,

I know I have to say sorry to you guys for the long time without publishing anything here, but things have been so busy for me that I did not find the appropriate time to do it. However, now I would like to freeze posting for a bit to let you know the most visited posts so far. In that way I hope you can re visit those publications meanwhile I prepare one more exiting post to you guys.
So here are my top 10 publication titles for you to go and look for them:

  1. Innovating Consumption Thinking 
  2. Branding in the World of Digital
  3. Social Networks in the Reach of the Universe
  4. Sustainability: A Thought for the Future
  5. Your Say!
  6. The Environment Needs You
  7. Technology in the Service of Information
  8. Interesting Questions
  9. 'Who Moved My Cheese' Review
  10. 'In Time' Review
Well... that is it for today, hope you enjoy your search!

See you soon and take care!