Monday 27 May 2013

Be careful: Virtual Freedom Challenged

Hi Folks. Having understood what surveillance means and how to prevent us against it, I think it is worthy to raise a discussion that not only overlap with the subject but also reinforces it. The question is: how much of our privacy is invaded on the web?  To what extent can we surf through wherever we want on the web without being watched by the system? And by system I mean internal threats but also external ones that come either from hackers or from close people that are included in our daily lives (parents, cousins, friends, relatives, etc.). However, I believe that in this case, the threat relies on who control us from nearby, from the own Internet system. And that also includes the tools that I mentioned in the previous post which were created to assist us but can also serve as a self-controlling engine.

Then we have a number of examples such as computer cookies, Internet navigation history, and so on. Examples that are mostly alike to us but still monitoring in the same way as any of the other tools mentioned in the previous post. And now I ask, how to protect us against it? Is there any way to keep our privacy on the web or we have to deal with this as best as we can? I truly believe that it is impossible to be protected against this freedom invasion. Considering that technology is constantly evolving we completely loose control in facing the power of technology. Nowadays that power is becoming so higher to a level that companies are constantly requiring IT professionals. The solution for me, touches upon what I mentioned before: how we cope with the Internet and what we publish or not publish on the web. It is like once said “you are your own resource”. I add that we are our own security and consequently we create our own “privacy” even though it is mostly veiled or contested. And you, what do you think about all of this?  Feel free to comment about this, either here or on any social networking site. Take care!   

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